How do I rodent proof my house?
Posted February 16, 2021 by Sarah Malone
Category: Rodents
Yes, Dubbo and Wellington have a plague at the moment.. but rodent proofing your property is essential, regardless of where you live and whether your house is new or old. Rats and mice are capable…Read More
How to Choose a Rodent Company
Posted January 20, 2021 by Sarah Malone
Category: Rodents
No one likes the idea of being kept up late at night by a scratching sound in their wall or roof, or to be sitting on the lounge and watching a mouse run out from…Read More
3 Signs that you have Rodents and How to Treat them.
Posted November 18, 2020 by Sarah Malone
Category: Rodents
The idea of sharing your home with rats and mice is a horrible thought. They leave droppings around the house; they can cause damage to wiring and internal structures and sometimes the smell can be…Read More
Pest problems in Dubbo
Posted April 10, 2020 by Sarah Malone
Category: Advice, Cockroaches, Rodents, Spiders, Termites
We hate pests, and luckily you do too as it keeps us in a job. Dubbo isn’t special, every town or city in Australia, and the world for the that matter has it’s fair share…Read More
Rats! Mice! 3 Things They Love About Your House.
Posted March 24, 2017 by Sarah Malone
Category: Rodents
Rodents don’t just roam where ever they please, they are driven by their basic needs: Food Warmth Shelter Your home supports these 3 things so it is no surprise that they decide to become your…Read More