10 Termite mistakes home owners make
Posted October 9, 2019 by Sarah Malone
Category: Termites
Renovations are very common for most households but are you aware of the common mistakes you may be doing that could make your home more attractive for termites? Here are a few of the more…Read More
The Itsy-Bitsy Spider
Posted September 9, 2019 by Sarah Malone
Category: Spiders
Most homes are visited by spiders who have a very important role in the garden to help control pests of plants or other pests that may inflict havoc on your garden. Spiders should be regarded…Read More
Six Winter Pest Control tips for your home
Posted May 4, 2019 by Sarah Malone
Category: Advice
Pest Alert is far busier in Summer, yet pests are active all year round. Why is that the case? Because you’re more likely to see them! Just like you and I, Pests during winter like…Read More
Is it an Ant or a Termite?
Posted August 9, 2018 by Sarah Malone
Category: Ants, Termites
Most calls we get are from home owners unsure of if they have a termite problem or if they are just ants making a mess. Although both can look very similar they are in very…Read More
5 Pest Control Myth Busters
Posted June 22, 2018 by Sarah Malone
Category: Advice
Throughout our many years of pest control we have heard some myths, crazy ideas, tricks and DIY treatments. Some have been old wives tales passed down by generations, some are from suspect marketing and others…Read More