Posted July 11, 2024 by Sarah Malone
Category: Advice, Spiders
When it comes to bad reputations Australia is known for its deadly spiders and we all share a strong love-hate relationship with these abundant eight-legged wonders from down under. But before you grab the bug swatter, hold on one sec! The truth of it all is that most Australian spiders are more of a friend to us than foe and play an important role in keeping our gardens and homes pest free.

Let’s have a look at a few of the common myths about our friendly spider neighbours and their importance in the local ecosystem. Australia does have some venomous spiders but majority are little threat to humans and only a handful of species are the cause of medically significant bites and its rare to result in fatalities.
Myth #1: All Aussie Spiders Are Deadly.
Well, this one is just not true! Australia does have some venomous spiders but majority are little threat to humans and only a handful of species are the cause of medically significant bites and its rare to result in fatalities.
Myth #2: A Big Spider Means a Dangerous Bite.
Size isn’t everything! So many people around the world know about the Australian Huntsman spider and its impressive leg span but what they don’t know is that it has a mild bite which is similar to a bee sting. However, the much smaller Redback spider is the one with the more potent venom.
Myth #3: Spiders Like to Live Inside Homes.
Spiders do wander inside occasionally however most would prefer to stay outside, building webs in sheltered areas and hunting for their prey. If you want to keep them outside you should start by sealing gaps around the windows and doors and always keep clutter to a minimum and have less stored items on the ground.
What are the benefits of the Aussie Spiders?
Now that we have discussed a few of the common myths, lets have a look at how spiders can help our environment:
- Natural Pest Control: By keeping some spiders around the house they will help keep the other insect population in control, including flies, cockroaches and mosquitoes.
- Biodiversity Boost: Spiders are important in the food chain. Yes, they prey on insects but they are also a food source for birds, lizards and other animals you can find in the Australian backyards. This helps maintain a healthy ecosystem.
- Webs, Natures Art: The spiderweb is an amazing creation. It is an intricate structure which can be quite beautiful yet very efficient with capturing its prey.
Living with spiders
While some would rather live in a spider-free home we can still coexist peacefully. Here are some tips:

- Leave Orb Weavers Alone: Those beautiful, large webs you see in the garden? Those belong to orb weaver spiders, excellent insect catchers. Leave them be, and they’ll help keep your garden mosquito-free!
- Relocate, Don’t Eliminate: If you find a spider indoors, instead of squishing it, consider capturing it in a container and releasing it outdoors. There are even handy spider relocation tools available at most hardware stores.
When we understand the role that spiders have in the Australian environment, we can live along them without fear however its always important to know the types of spiders in your backyard and if they are the deadly variety its best to have your house treated to keep your family safe.
For more information, please contact our office.
Do you have a spider phobia? Share your experiences and tips for overcoming them on our Facebook page!